Guide for Authors

  1. The journal publishes results of various researches from both inside and outside Iraq.
  2. All the researches subject to a peer review where the researches are classified as follows:
            A. Original researches that include basic and practical results.
            B. Condensed articles (Short communication) that give some preliminary results of researches are still ongoing. These articles should not exceed 500 words and their contents should follow the basic research dissemination preamble.
  3. All manuscripts submitted for consideration of publication in this journal must not have been published or accepted for publication elsewhere
  4. All manuscripts submitted for consideration of publication in this journal must be submitted through the e-journalPlus/QJES.
  5. All manuscripts submitted for publication in this journal must be printed via Microsoft Word 2010 system or above and they must not exceed 20 pages including all tables and figures and indexes.
  6. The author/s must submit the following files along with the main manuscript:  a) Cover Letter, ( Word PDF ), b) Copyright Form, ( Word PDF ), c) Declaration, ( Word PDF ), and d) Title Page ( Word PDF )

  The manuscripts should be arranged as follows: Please use the Manuscript Template, ( Word PDF )

Page size

Page size must be 8.5×11 inches (216 × 279 mm2) size.

The margins

The margins on the left and right must be 16.7 mm and the bottom must be 15.5mm while the margin on top should be 12.6 mm, including tables and figures.
  Use double-column layout (except abstract) with margin should be 11.3 mm.
Font style Times New Roman.
 Space text 11.5 pt space your text and any space after the supreme footnote or any paragraph should not be left empty.
Title of the paper size 16 (Bold ) and capitalize the first letter.
Name or names of the authors Lowercase 12 pt, bold , Italic.
Lowercase 8 pt, bold , Italic.
 Headlines The section headings are arranged by numbers, 9 pt, bold.
Subtitles Lowercase size 8 pt, bold , Italic.
Text Lowercase size 8 pt, 11.5 pt space
Equations Equations and formulae should be typed in Mathtype, and numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals in parentheses on the right hand side of the page. They should also be separated from the surrounding text by one space.

Figures and tables

Must be referred to in the text for example (Fig. 1) and the title must appear under the figure in lowercase letters size 8 pt. For example (Figure 1.). The title of the Table must appear above the table written in lowercase letters size 8 pt.  for example (Table 1.)
References  References should be printed together at the end of the manuscript using EndNote with numbered styles of [1]. References that are illustrated referred with numbers within square brackets and the references are listed in a numbered reference list after the text. References are numbered in the order in which they first appear in the text.


All manuscripts should start with a summary of no more than 200 words written in lowercase letters size 7.5 p. and should fit well with the title of the manuscript and summarize the research objective, content, results, and conclusions.


The keywords of the manuscript should be five up to eight keywords related to the main topic of research written in lowercase letters size 7.5.


If the manuscript contains any symbols so they should be arranged alphabetically and written in Latin characters followed by Greek characters.

7. Al-Qadisiyah Journal for Engineering  Sciences will have the copyright of the papers.

8. The researcher (researchers) undertakes full responsibility for the contents of the submitted research.

9. The journal welcomes discussions about the published subjects which should introduce within a two-month period from the date of publication, and no more than two pages. The discussions and their appropriate answers by the authors if any will be published in the subsequent published issue.

General conditions for  papers

  • Nomenclature, a list of symbols comes directly after the abstract.
  • Tables and Figures must be embedded into the text and not supplied separately.
  • References should be written with numbered styles. References that illustrated are referred with numbers within square brackets and the references are listed in a numbered reference list after the text. References are numbered in the order in which they first appear in the text as follows:
  • [1]  Al-Farhany, A. Turan, Numerical study of double diffusive natural convective heat and mass transfer in an inclined rectangular cavity filled with porous medium, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 39(2) (2012) 174-181.
  • [2] Fahem, A., Kidane, A. & Sutton, M. Loading Rate Effects for Flaws Undergoing Mixed-Mode I/III Fracture. Exp Mech 61, 1291–1307 (2021).
  • [3] D.A. Nield, A. Bejan, Convection in Porous Media [electronic resource], Third Edition. ed., Springer Science+Business Media, Inc., New York, NY, 2006.

Within the text, the reference with numbers within Arabic square brackets and the references are numbered in the order in which they first appear in the text.

  • Within the Introduction, at least eight previously published papers need to be described.


Submission of a manuscript implies:

  • Publishing request (the form is found on the home page)
  • Pledge researcher (the form is found on the home page)

 Pre-review Process

  1. Time to First Action: 5 Day
  2. Review Time: 60 Days

In general, at first, the research gets reviewed by the editorial staff and when accepted, it is inserted into the Turnitin research web to determine the ratio of similarity which must be less than 18%,  the AI less than 5%, and the Flag for review must be Zero. Reference are not taken into consideration.

Review Process

-The submitted paper will be reddening by the editorial board to determine the paper field and then sent to two peers to review in the same paper field.

-The reviewers (Analysis, Comments, Correcting) the paper.

-The paper will be sent to the researcher again to modify it according to the reviewer’s evaluation and answer them.

When resubmitting your manuscript, please carefully consider all issues mentioned in the reviewers' comments.

  • Outline every change made a point by point, and provide suitable rebuttals for any comments not addressed.
  • Please prepare a final version of the manuscript according to the format of QJES.
  • Provide a letter responding to the reviewer's comments and summarizing any changes made. (Letter format example here)
  • Also, highlight any changes made within the manuscript, preferably in yellow.
  • Please update the file name to Revision version#1

-When the journal receives the modifying paper, and after being sure everything is taken into account the paper will be accepted, and then an accepted certificate will be submitted to the researcher.